
Remote phosphor


Luminofor (lat. Lumen - light, φορός - bearer) are substances, which are able to lighten. From the side of chemical composition luminofors can be inorganic and organic. Many organic compositions of cyclic class may lighten (benzene, resin, animal organic remains aromatic substances, etc.)  and comparatively a little amount of inorganic substances.

Currently, need of energetically efficient source of light is growing. Among the leading positions are white light LEDs.

The use of blue light LEDs and yellow luminofors that are higher got intensive development in technologies of getting light sources. The productivity of white light and homogeneity of color strictly depend on distance of luminofors. There are several versions – luminofors in LEDs or suspended from LEDs.

Remote phosphors (suspended luminofors) are powder (particle size 5-15 µm). Luminofors consist of inorganic substances alloyed with optically active elements. The most common are garnet based combinations of A3B5O12   chemical formula, where A  and B are chemical elements, O - oxygen. In most of the garnets yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) stands out by Y3AI5O12  formula. Luminofors that are produced based on this substance are called YAG luminofors.

As optically active additions of rare earth metals (REE), their oxides and other combinations. Most of the REE have optical activity.

Cerium (CE) is often used in YAG - luminofors.

Remote phosphors - it’s an element, which is a combination of optically transparent substance (e.i. glasses or polycarbonates) and combination of luminofor added to the substance. From the layer of luminofor there is substance of high reflection coefficient (more than 0.95).

Suspending the luminofor from the source of blue light radiation source gives opportunity to deliver LED lights and electric lamps to a new qualitative level.

The use of remote phosphors can significantly change and improve the quality of LED lamps.

Remote phosphors allow:

  • To get LED basic radiation in different spectral characteristics of light rays
  • To get heat sources near the light spectrum of light
  • To improve productivity of torches by lightning with natural light.
  • To create new opportunities for developers and designers of LED lights
  • Тo reduce the unit sizes of light devices brightness unit sizes
  • To produce torches of previously unavailable performance  

- Was synthesized  Y3Al5O12: Ce3 + luminofor by using energy saving method.

- Receipt of that luminofor was proven by X-ray (roentgen-phase) analysis

- The characteristics of lighting of remote phosphor was investigated  

The synthesized luminofor can be used in Led light torches as remote phosphor.